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200 Hour Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training
A. Your Tools
What's Next....
A.1 E-manuals and Resources
Extra Sequences
Syllabus of Compliance Yoga Alliance
B. Module 1 Vedic Philosophy and History of Yoga
B.1.1 Vedic Yoga History and Philosophy (87:43)
B.1.2 Yoga Lineage (26:07)
B.1.3 Sanskrit
B.1.4 Chakras (138:07)
Test Your Understanding Vedic Philosophy & History Quiz (8:00)
Bonus Lectures from Group Weekend
H. Business of Yoga: Manifesting Conscious Abundance
H.1 Yoga Business - Start Up
H.2 Abundance’s Money Mindset
H.3 Marketing
Intro to Ayurveda
Basics of Ayurveda (35:48)
Glossary of Ayurvedic Terms
The Three Little Doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
Understanding Imbalances in the Doshas
Dosha Balancing Classes
Test Your Understanding Quiz
C. Module 2 The Subtle Body
Welcome to the Subtle Body (50:46)
C.2.1 Pranayama (29:03)
C.2.2 Meditation (25:50)
C.2.3 Mantras (22:31)
C.2.4 Yoga of Sound
Test Your Understanding Subtle body Quiz
Ayurveda and Nutrition
Diet and Nutrition (15:37)
The Six Tastes of Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Recipes for Dosha Balancing
Understanding Agni and Ojas
Bonus Recordings from In-Person Sessions
E. Module 4 Anatomy
E.4 Intro to Anatomy (24:03)
E.4.1 Major Bones (57:56)
E.4.2 Types of Joints (21:30)
E.4.3 Major Muscles (19:34)
E.4.4 Ayurveda and Anatomy
Video Overview of Test and Module 5 info (10:55)
Anatomy Quiz
E.4.5 Bio-Mechanics of Fascia
D. Module 3 Asana / Adaptive Techniques for Accessible Yoga
Asana Manuals
D.3.1 Standing Poses (9:43)
D.3.2 Standing Forward Bends (7:19)
D.3.3 Surya Namaskar A and B
D.3.4 Standing Twists
D.3.5 Lateral Flexion Poses (7:51)
D.3.6 Backbends
D.3.7 Inversions
D.3.8 SeatedTwists
D.3.9 Seated Hip Openers
D.3.10 Seated Forward Folds
D.3.11 Restorative Poses
D.3.12 Moon Salutations
BONUS CONTENT: Asana Tutorials
Test Your Understanding Asana Quiz (29:06)
F. Module 5 Adaptive Yoga
F.5.1 Making Yoga Accessible (19:09)
F.5.2 Chair Yoga
F.5.3 Aqua Yoga
Adaptive Yoga Quiz
Video Overview of Test and Module 5 info
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